Strengthening Your Corporate Culture to Survive Challenging Economic Times With AOP

This demand webinar, in partnership with Art of Procurement, explores the shift from decentralized to centralized procurement in response to economic challenges, with insights from Vice President of Operations Matt Reddington and Chief Operating Officer Mu Wagh.

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Join Matt Reddington and Mrugaya Wagh from Procure Analytics as they provide tips on how to strengthen your corporate culture.

The hierarchical structure of procurement organizations as we know it has declined. They’ve become more flexible to better retain employees and distribute decision-making evenly. This shift has led to a preference for a decentralized approach to local sourcing, buying, and handling exceptions.

But in the face of rising inflation and potential economic challenges, many businesses are reconsidering their approaches. There’s a growing emphasis on returning to centralized control, reminiscent of more traditional methods. As achieving cost efficiencies becomes more crucial, is this really the best approach to stretch financial reserves and ensure ongoing operations?

In this on-demand webinar, we partnered with Art of Procurement to provide insights into this question. Our Vice President of Operations, Matt Reddington, and Chief Operating Officer, Mu Wagh, provide guidance on navigating this transition.

  • Strategies for enhancing compliance in procurement without creating unnecessary obstacles

  • Using savings tracking as a dual indicator of both purchasing efficiency and procurement success

  • Developing methods to collect feedback from various user groups, ensuring procurement processes meet their operational needs

Watch the on-demand webinar to learn how to strengthen your corporate culture with Procure Analytics and AOP.

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