Elevate your consultancy with our GPO+ solutions. Achieve swift savings and improve total cost of ownership for your clients in MRO, packaging, and tail spend through our strategic spend management.
We Team Up With You to Drive Value
Speed to Value
Our GPO contracts allow you to meet aggressive client timelines with immediate savings on MRO and packaging and logistics.
Augment Your Team
We provide dedicated implementation resources to execute your program.
Ongoing Value Creation
We focus on supplier consolidation, SKU rationalization, and contract compliance to generate continued 5%+ YOY savings.
Tail Spend
We provide a full-service buy desk to source non-recurring items using three-bids-and-a-buy to all locations in North America.

Value Engineering, Simplified
We empower your projects with a team of degreed packaging engineers and artificial intelligence models to optimize packaging materials and processes as well as minimize shipping costs.

An Answer to MRO Challenges
We love the complexity of the MRO category. Allow us to tackle this spend while you and your teams focus on strategic spend categories and optimizing the operational model.
“During our 6+ years of association, Procure Analytics has retained 100% of all the companies we have brought into the membership. This is a true testament of the success and satisfaction that these members experience. Procure Analytics say what they do and do what they say.”James Duncan, Managing Member
Anlyn Consulting