A fast-growing manufacturer of packaging, insulation, and biodegradable foam products with plants across 14 plants in the US and two in Mexico. The company offers a variety of custom and stocked products, along with engineering services and cutting-edge technologies.

The company had recently grown through several acquisitions, which strengthened its capabilities and expanded its geographical reach, but also created a high level of fragmentation in their indirect procurement spend. They were leveraging multiple suppliers for their PPE and safety supplies across their North American locations

The stakeholder at the company had previous experience with Procure Analytics and were familiar with the full scope of services and support that PA provides through its GPO+ approach.

After a thorough analysis of general industrial spend across their 14 plants, the PA team determined the member would be able to achieve significant savings via two initiatives:

  • Standardizing of all of their PPE spend
  • Implementing vendor managed inventory (VMI) solutions in their plants

PA’s implementation team worked with site level champions to rollout and adopt the program, starting with their US locations.

Watch the quick video below to see our approach to MRO.

Through the consolidation of industrial supplies to one supplier, the member drive 15% upfront savings by joining PA’s MRO program, and is on track to achieve 7% annual recurring savings.

The member is currently working with PA to implement the VMI solutions in their two Mexico locations.

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  • MRO